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Swiss Mummy Project


Name: Ta-di-Isis

Individual’s age: middle age, not exactly definable

Historical age: approx. 700 B.C

Sex: presumably female

Origin: Thebes

Type of mummification: artificial

Examinations carried out: Conventional X-ray and Computed Tomography, CT-guided biopsy for electromicroscopic analysis

Diseases and other special characteristics: The mummy is in a bad condition and the skeleton is anatomically dislocated, preobably due to previous unwrapping or transport. Identified diseases: Benign tumour (Hemangioma) in the 4th lumbar vertebra, scoliosis.

Museum: Rätisches Museum, Chur

Literary references:

  • A. Küffer / R. Siegmann, “Unter dem Schutz der Himmelsgöttin – Ägyptische Särge, Mumien und Masken in der Schweiz”, Zürich, Chronos 2007.
  • Ausstellungskatalog: Die Mumie der Ta-Di-Isis; eine Reise vom Nil zum Rhein. Ausstellung im Raetischen Museum Chur vom 14. Mai bis 19. September 2004


Reconstruction out of CT-Scan

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