- Eppenberger, Patrick E.; Mislav Cavka; Michael E. Habicht; Francesco M. Galassi, Frank Rühli (2018) Radiological findings in ancient Egyptian canopic jars: comparing three standard clinical imaging modalities (x-rays, CT and MRI). European Radiology Experimental 2018 (2): 12 https://doi.org/10.1186/s41747-018-0048-3
- Habicht, Michael E.; Patrick E. Eppenberger, Francesco M. Galassi, Frank Rühli, Maciej Henneberg (2018). Queen Meresankh III - the oldest case of bilateral Silent Sinus Syndrome (c. 2620/10 - 2570)? Anthropologie (Brno) Vol 56 (2) 103-113. https://doi.org/10.26720/anthro.
- Rita Gautschy; Michael E. Habicht; Francesco M. Galassi (2017) A New Astronomically Based Chronological Model for the Egyptian Old Kingdom. Journal of Egyptian History Vol. 10 (2) 69-108. http://booksandjournals.brillonline.com/content/journals/10.1163/18741665-12340035
- Galassi, Francesco M; Maciej Henneberg; Wouter de Herder; Frank Rühli; Michael E. Habicht (2017) Oldest case of gigantism? Assessment of the alleged remains of Sa-Nakht, king of ancient Egypt. The Lancet Diabetes & Endocrinology Vol. 5 (8), 580-581. https://doi.org/10.1016/S2213-8587(17)30171-7
- Galassi, Francesco M; Habicht, Michael E; Rühli, Frank J. (2017). Poliomyelitis in Ancient Egypt? Neurol. Sci 38:375. DOI: 10.1007/s10072-016-2720-9
- Habicht, Michael E; Bianucci, Raffaella; Buckley, Stephen A; Fletcher, Joann; Bouwman Abigail S; Öhrström, Lena M; Seiler, Roger; Galassi, Francesco M; Hajdas, Irka; Vassilika, Eleni; Böni, Thomas; Henneberg, Maciej, Rühli, Frank J (2016). Queen Nefertari, the Royal Spouse of Pharaoh Ramses II: A Multidiscipinary Investigation of the Mummified Remains Found in Her Tomb (QV 66). PLoS ONE 11(11): e0166571. DOI:10.1371/journal.pone.0166571
- Habicht, Michael E; Bouwman Abigail S; Rühli, Frank J (2016). Identifications of Ancient Egyptian Royal Mummies from the 18th Dynasty Reconsidered. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 159, 216-231. DOI 10.1002/ajpa.22909
- Galassi, Francesco M; Rühli Frank J; Habicht, Michael E. (2016). Did Queen Ankhesenamun (c. 1342 - after 1322 BC) have a goitre? Working paper: Academia and Researchgate
- Öhrström, Lena M; Seiler, Roger; Böni, Thomas; Aali, Abolfazl; Stöllner, Thomas; Rühli, Frank J (2015). Radiological findings in an ancient Iranian salt mummy (Chehrābād ca. 410-350 BC). Skeletal Radiology, 44(6):811-821.
- Özen, Ali Caglar; Ludwig, Ute; Öhrström, Lena Maria; Rühli, Frank Jakobus; Bock, Michael (2016). Comparison of ultrashort echo time sequences for MRI of an ancient mummified human hand. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 75(2):701-708.
- Seiler R, Rühli F R 2015. “The Opening of the Mouth”—A New Perspective for an Ancient Egyptian Mummification Procedure. The Anatomical Record 298 (6) 1208-1216.
- Bianucci, R, Habicht M E, Seiler R, Buckley S, Böni T, Rühli F. 2015.Shedding New Light on the 18th Dynasty Mummies of the Royal Architect Kha and His Spouse Merit PloS One.DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0131916
- Habicht, M E, Henneberg M, Öhrström L M, Staub K, Rühli F. 2015. Body Height of Mummified Pharaohs Supports Historical Suggestions of Sibling Marriages [online]. Am. J. Phys. Anthropol. 157(3)519-525. DOI: 10.1002/ajpa.22728
- Wanek J, Speller R, Rühli F. Direct Action of Radiation on Mummified Cells: Modeling of Computed Tomography by Monte Carlo Algorithms. Radiation & Environmental Biophysics, published online, 25. April 2013.
- Seiler R, Spielmann A, Zink A, Rühli F. The oral pathologies of the Neolithic Iceman, ca. 3300 BC. EOS, European journal of oral science, April 2013. DOI: 10.1111/eos.12037
- Habicht M, Bouwman A, Rühli F. Die Bedeutung von Kanopen als Quelle medizinischer und ägyptologischer Informationen. Göttinger Miszellen 237, p 25-39, 2013.
- Öhrström L, Von Waldburg H, Speier P, Bock M, Rühli F.(2013). MR Imaging versus CT of Ancient Peruvian and Egyptian Mummified Tissues. RadioGraphics 2013; 33:291-296
- Aali A, Stöllner Th, Rühli F. (2012). The Salt Mine of Douzlakh, Chehrabad. Archäol Korrespondenzblatt 2012, 42: 61- 81
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- Aali A, Abar A, Boenke N, Pollard M, Rühli F, Stöllner T. (2012). Ancient salt mining and salt men: the interdisciplinary Chehrabad Douzlakh project in north-western Iran. Antiquity 2012, 86 (333).
- Hotz G, Lecoq C, Bürli L, Mischke J, Böni T, Seiler R. & Rühli, F. (2011). Die Dame aus der Barfüsserkirche. Paläopathologische Untersuchungen der weiblichen Mumie aus der Barfüsserkirche unter Berücksichtigung der historischen Quellen. In: SÖRRIES, R. (ed.) Geschichte und Tradition der Mumifizierung in Europa. Kassel, 121-137
- Öhrström L., Bitzer A., Walther M., Rühli, F J. (2010). Technical note: Terahertz imaging of ancient mummies and bone. Am J Phys Anthropol 142(3):497-500.
- Kaufmann I., Rühli F. J.(2010). Without informed consent: Ethics and ancient mummy research. J Med Ethics, 2010 Oct;36(10):608-13.
- Zweifel L., Böni T., Rühli F.J.(2009). Evidence-based paleopathology: Meta-analysis of PubMed-listed scientific studies on ancient Egyptian mummies. J Comp Hum Biol HOMO, 60: 405-427.
- Papageorgopoulou C., Xirotiris N.I., Iten P.X., Baumgartner M.R., Schmid M., Rühli F.(2009) Indications of Embalming in Roman Greece by physical, chemical and histological analysis. J Archeol Sci, 36: 35-42, 2009.
- Münnemann K., Böni T., Blümich B., Colacicco G., Rühli F.(2007). Non-invasive 1H and 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance imaging of ancient Egyptian human mummified tissue. Magn Reson Imag, 25: 1341-1345
- Pernter P., Gostner P., Egarter Vigl E., Rühli F.(2007) Radiologic proof for the Iceman’s cause of death (ca. 5,300 BP). J Archeol Sci, 4: 1784-1786.
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- Rühli F.J., Chhem R.K., Böni T.(2004). Diagnostic paleoradiology of mummified tissues: interpretation and pitfalls. Can Assoc Radiol J 55: 218-227.
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- Rühli F.J., Böni T.(2000). Radiological aspects and interpretation of post mortem artefacts of ancient Egyptian mummies from Swiss collections. Int J Osteoarchaeol, 10: 153-157.
Öhrström LM, Marquez H, Seiler R, Bode B, Aali A, Stöllner T, Rühli FJ. Radiological and histological findings in ancient salt mummies from the salt mine of Douzlākh, Iran. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 30;16(4):e0250745. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0250745. PMID: 33930057; PMCID: PMC8087014.
Öhrström, Lena; Tekin, Ahmed; Biedermann, Philipp; Morozova, Irina; Habicht, Michael; Gascho, Dominic; Bode‐Lesniewska, Beata; Imhof, Alexander; Rühli, Frank; Eppenberger, Patrick (2020). Experimental mummification—In the tracks of the ancient Egyptians. Clinical Anatomy, 33(6):860-871.
Meyer, Sabrina; Frater, Nakita; Seiler, Roger; Bickel, Susanne; Böni, Thomas; Eppenberger, Patrick; Rühli, Frank (2020). Multidisciplinary studies of heavily fragmented and commingled ancient Egyptian human remains found in KV 40 (Valley of the Kings, Luxor, Egypt): a pragmatic workflow and first results. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 29:102069.
Neukamm, Judith; Pfrengle, Saskia; Molak, Martyna; Seitz, Alexander; Francken, Michael; Eppenberger, Partick; Avanzi, Charlotte; Reiter, Ella; Urban, Christian; Welte, Beatrix; Stockhammer, Philipp W; Teßmann, Barbara; Herbig, Alexander; Harvati, Katerina; Nieselt, Kay; Krause, Johannes; Schuenemann, Verena J (2020). 2000-year-old pathogen genomes reconstructed from metagenomic analysis of Egyptian mummified individuals. BMC Biology, 18:108.
Seiler, Roger; Öhrström, Lena M; Eppenberger, Patrick; Gascho, Dominic; Rühli, Frank J; Galassi, Francesco M (2019). The earliest known case of frontal sinus osteoma in man. Clinical Anatomy, 32(1):105-109.
Öhrström, Lena M; Scheer, Ianina; Seiler, Roger; Böni, Thomas; Rühli, Frank J (2018). Multifocal bone lesions in an ancient Egyptian child mummy. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports, 22:93-99.
Seiler, Roger; Habicht, Michael E; Rühli, Frank J; Galassi, Francesco M (2019). First-time complete visualization of a preserved meningeal artery in the mummy of Nakht-ta-Netjeret (ca. 950 BC). Neurological Sciences, 40(2):409-411.
Meyer, Sabrina; Galassi, Francesco M; Böni, Thomas; Seiler, Roger; Bickel, Susanne; Rühli, Frank (2019). Mummified proportionate dwarfs from the Valley of the Kings. The Lancet. Diabetes & Endocrinology, 7(3):173-174.