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Swiss Mummy Project

'Barfüsser mummy'

Name: unknown, the lady was found in the Barfüsser church, Basel

Individual’s age: approx. 45 years

Historical age: approx. 16th-17th century A.D.

Sex: female

Origin: Buried in a privileged place in the Barfüsser church in Basel. Probably lying in a family grave, in immediate vicinity of important Basel personalities.

Type of mummification: Presumably natural. Still, artificial mummification cannot be ruled out completely (high concentration of mercury found in the tissue).

Examinations carried out: Computed Tomography, extractions of organs (in the 1980s).

Diseases and other special characteristics: Several massive dental affections (losses/infections), degenerative changes of the vertebral column, distinct calcifications of the vertebral vessels. Hypothesis: This lady probably submitted herself to a mercury inhalation therapy to cure a disease (working hypothesis: syphilis – could not be corroborated by the CT scans). Earlier examinitaions: gall stones, lung adhesions, mercury sulphide in several tissues.

Museum: Natural History Museum, Basel

Media/Press: Swiss TV, SF_Puls 15.9.2011

CT sagittal slice, showing degenerative changes of the vertebral column

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